Looking for a great Christmas present that will just stun your friends or family? Stop checking out socks or sweets, cause there’s a new trend in Australia’s Northern Territory. People have started buying baby crocs and we have got to admit it that they’re really cute.
There’s a crocodile farm in the Northern Territory that has over 100 babies of salt and freshwater crocodiles, and they’re all available for purchase as pets. So, if you don’t know what to get your friend for Christmas, then look no more!
50% Off a Croc!
There was even an ad on Facebook about crocs being sold at 50% off. And we’re not talking about shoes! A customer said that he ‘saw it on Facebook actually, 50 per cent off a croc and I’m like ‘Yeah, how cool!’. He also said that the crocodile is a ‘family Christmas present’ and that they will all be taking care of him.
The crocodile farm is called Darwin’s Crocodylus Park and it’s owned by Giovanna Webb, who couldn’t believe how many people demanded baby crocodiles. She stated that everyone wants to have a baby croc and people are just going crazy about them.
While they’re not puffy and cuddly, it’s true that as babies, crocs are very cute. But what’s going to happen to them as they grow more than 60 centimeters? They’re kind of large to be kept as pets at that stage!
Don’t you worry, you won’t get to keep it more than a year, as they must be returned to the crocodile farm as they reach 1-year-old. Don’t want to let go to your best friend? Then you’re lucky if you love outside the urban area in the NT.
You just need a permit within a week of buying the baby crocodile and then take care of your new pet. If you have a big pool, it’s all great.
Mrs. Webb said that some of her friends had big pools, but ‘the pool now belongs to the croc.’ And at dinner parties, she says that ‘part of the show is to feed the croc, throw them some chooks. It’s part of the Territory’.