The Armed Sheriff’s Deputy at the Florida High School did not try to Stop the Shooter

The Armed Sheriff’s Deputy at the Florida High School did not try to Stop the Shooter

The shooting that took place at a high school in Florida is a tragic event that shocked the nation. This will forever remain one of the most violent crimes, and it appears that there are even more horrific details that are finally coming to light.

Sheriff Scott Israel offered new information about the shooting, and, according to him, the authorities can be blamed, and there have been multiple errors and failures.

Armed deputy did not enter the building

As it turns out, the only sheriff’s deputy that was armed decided not to go inside and try to save the children. Instead, he remained outside, keeping himself safe. In a news conference Sheriff Israel explained the details: “He never went in.” According to the sheriff, the man did “nothing”.

As a consequence of that, the deputy was suspended without pay. This happened after the surveillance video was analyzed. Shortly after, the deputy decided to resign.

Numerous calls

It appears that the armed deputy is not the only one who did not do his job properly. According to sheriff Israel, in the past years there have been 23 calls, related to the shooter at the Florida high school. However, despite those calls, no one did anything to stop him.

The last call took place last year, and someone said that the suspects is collecting knives and guns. However, the police did not consider this a serious threat. Since those tips were mishandled, two other deputies are now on restricted duty.

While it is a good thing that the authorities are admitting their mistakes and they are willing to punish the guilty ones, the real problem is represented by the flaws of the system, and it will take some time until we will see it fixed.

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