FDA Vaccine Advisers Analyze Moderna Boosters

FDA Vaccine Advisers Analyze Moderna Boosters

The covid 19 vaccines are being flaunted all over the media in order for experts to convince the population that this is the best way to fight the pandemic. The novel coronavirus managed to change our lives and this is probably for good, although only almost two years have passed since the virus started making headlines. 

Now, the vaccine company Moderna is being scrutinized.

Moderna boosters are analyzed 

CNN just revealed that vaccine advisers to the US Food and Drug Administration are meeting today in order to discuss whether to authorize boosters of Moderna’s coronavirus vaccine for some adults.

It’s also worth noting the fact that this is the first portion of a two-day Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee meeting that will also include a vote on boosters for the Johnson & Johnson vaccine and a presentation on mix-and-match vaccines.

Source: pixabay.com
Source: pixabay.com

But, CNN notes, today’s agenda focuses on Moderna boosters and includes a presentation by Moderna, and another by the FDA.

CNN noted the following:

“Moderna is requesting authorization for a 50-microgram booster dose — half the size of the 100-microgram doses used in the primary series of the two-dose vaccine — at least six months after the second dose, and only for certain groups: people age 65 and older; people ages 18 to 64 who are at high risk of severe Covid-19; and people ages 18 to 64 whose exposure to the coronavirus in their settings or jobs put them at risk for Covid-19 complications or severe illness.”

Coronavirus in the news

Check out the latest reports coming from NJ.com.

The online publication’s new article notes that new research at a United Kingdom hospital filled with covid 19 patients suggests the fact that portable HEPA filters can effectively remove coronavirus particles from the air, a recent study showed.

It’s essential to note the fact that the study was conducted in early 2021 before the spread of the delta variant.

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