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Being Vegan – Hot or Not?

In the beginning, veganism was quite a rare option. However, it started growing more and more in the recent years, and as such the possibilities extended. There are lots of vegan restaurants that appeared out of nowhere in lots of…
More and More Reducetarians Around

When it comes to drinking, home cooking or exercising, which are just a couple of the latest trends around, we all know that you can adopt them more or less. However, with being a vegetarian there’s no middle way: you…
Does Intermittent Fasting Work?

In case you’re not keeping up with the latest dieting trends, intermittent fasting consists of assigning yourself days when you eat little or not at all, and then eat like a king for the rest of the week. While this…
Top 10 Best Exercises For The Easiest Workout

  Working out doesn’t automatically involve expensive gym memberships and fancy equipment. Here are 10 exercises you can do in the comfort of your own home and still achieve results. Walking doesn’t require any special equipment or outfit. All you…
Best Healthy Carbs to Eat More Than Usual

People generally think it’s bad to eat carbs, but this is not true. More often than not, we fall prey to a binary way of thinking, classifying foods into good or bad. However, this is a more complex issue than…
Fight allergies one lunch at a time

In order to offer a varied and appetizing meal to her son Christophe, allergic to 13 foods, Marie-Josée Bettez has long transformed her kitchen into a real laboratory. Lunches are part of the everyday life of allergic children, who often…