Farmers in Ireland Are Protesting Against the Government’s Plan to Slaughter 200,000 Dairy Cows

Farmers in Ireland Are Protesting Against the Government’s Plan to Slaughter 200,000 Dairy Cows

It has been just revealed that the farmers in Ireland are protesting due to the government’s plan to slaughter over 200k dairy cows. Check out the latest reports about this below.

The government proposes killing of cows

There is a proposal by the Government of Ireland to cull roughly 200,000 healthy cows in order to achieve their climate change objectives. This proposal has been met with protest from farmers and has also been opposed by Tesla CEO, Elon Musk.

Many European countries are putting in a lot of effort to achieve their climate change goals. As a result of these efforts, some remarkable ideas have come to fruition and are worthy of being recorded in history. The Irish government is currently considering one such idea, which involves culling approximately 200,000 healthy cows in order to meet their climate change objectives.

The farmers protest now against the proposal, and the Irish government wants to kill 65,000 cows every year for three years, and if they succeed, it will reduce the country’s livestock by 10 percent.

Here’s is also a relevant tweet about the matter:

It’s also interesting to check out the following tweet involving a comment that someone had:

Stay tuned for more news about the issue and other climate-related matters.

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