Scientists Have an Explanation for Why Venus is the Hell Planet We Know Today

Scientists Have an Explanation for Why Venus is the Hell Planet We Know Today

Did you ever look at Venus with the naked eye and wonder how beautiful it is? We’re talking about the brightest cosmic object from the night sky after the Moon. But did you know that if you get too close, Venus will show its real side? And unfortunately, it’s not pleasant at all.

The environment of Venus is so terrifying that it can practically prove to you that Hell exists. Imagine a world of scorching heat, where the atmospheric pressure is crushing, the surface temperature reaches hundreds of degrees Celsius, and where you would inhale almost nothing else but carbon dioxide. That’s pretty much the description of Hell from the world’s sacred books. But unfortunately for us, such a place exists in our physical reality as well.

Therefore, the obvious question arises: what could have made Venus become so inhabitable?

Huge and rapid impacts could be to blame

According to Los Alamos Daily Post, new research presented at the AGU Fall Meeting 2021 claims that huge and rapid impacts from the early history of Venus might be to blame for making the planet the Hell world we know today.

Astronomers always wondered why Venus is so different from Earth despite having some properties that are similar: mass, density, size, and even roughly the same distance from the Sun.

Simone Marchi, who’s a planetary scientist from the Southwest Research Institute, declared as cited by Los Alamos Daily Post:

Early on, in the beginning of the Solar System, the impactors would have been immense,

If an early impactor was larger than, say, a few hundred kilometers in diameter, it could have affected the deep interior of a planet, along with its surface and atmosphere. These colossal collisions would basically affect everything about a planet.

Probably the next big step is to find out for sure if some forms of life exist on Venus or not. Life as we know it is certainly impossible on our neighboring planet, but who knows what other forms of life might be out there in the unfathomable vastness of the Universe!


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