Good And Bad Health Care Services Depending On The State

Good And Bad Health Care Services Depending On The State

Nowadays, more and more Americans gain a much more facile access to health care in general than the past decades. However, the cost influences the quality of the services, as well as the variation of those two depending on where someone lives.

Because of the continuous conflict in Washington over the ways health care should be approached in the long run, there are some discrepancies between states when it comes to medical services, the quality of those services and their costs. For this reason, the experts who work for the website entitled WalletHub managed to analyze the quality of health care in each and every state from the United States.

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services published the latest data concerning the average costs a U.S adult has to pay in order to receive personal health care: an approximate of $10,000 every year and what is more worrying is that the number is in a slow, but steady rise. In order to give the adequate and real evaluation of each state, the analysts from WalletHub had to compare the 50 states of America and also the District of Columbia.

They took into consideration the following factors: outcome, accessibility and 35 measures of cost, the cost of medical and dental appointments, quality of the hospital care services and systems, life expectancy, heart disease and cancer rates, infant and maternal mortality rates.

The state that had the lowest rate for heart disease was Hawaii, but Iowa, New Hampshire and Minnesota also ranked quite high on the list. The analysts from the WalletHub reached the conclusion that the states to have the best health care services are: Hawaii, Iowa, Minnesota, District of Columbia, Connecticut, South Dakota, Vermont, Massachusetts and Rhode Island.

On the other hand, the state with the highest rate of heart disease was Louisiana, the third highest cancer rate and a low number of dentists. The list for the worst states to provide health care services are Louisiana, Mississippi, Alaska, Arkansas, North Carolina, Alabama, Florida and Nevada.

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