FBI Warns About Fake COVID-19 Tests Capable of Stealing Information

FBI Warns About Fake COVID-19 Tests Capable of Stealing Information

Half a year passed since the COVID-19 disease first surfaced in China. President Donald Trump accused the Chinese government of deliberately letting the coronavirus spread outside of their country. Until such accusations are proven right or wrong, the world has to face terrible situations caused by the ongoing pandemic.

And some of those grim situations are purely caused by certain people willing to exploit the fear of others and the overall circumstances.

Fake tests for stealing Social Security numbers or health insurance info

The true goal of antibody tests is to tell if a person was infected with the new coronavirus and has since developed antibodies for protecting the body from reinfection.

However, the FBI declared recently that scammers are touting fake antibody tests and marketing them with the purpose of stealing personal information such as Social Security numbers or health insurance data.

How to know when a test is fake

One huge hint that you’re about to be scammed is that you’re being offered a test without asking for one from your doctor. Other ways of the scammers trying to lead you into a fake test for the new coronavirus are through email or unexpected phone calls. Furthermore, you could receive phone calls, texts or even emails from unknown sources telling you that the government demands you to take an antibody test. These situations are also not trust-worthy because antibody tests are voluntary.

The best ways to protect yourself against the COVID-19 disease are the classical ones: frequently washing your hands, avoiding crowds, covering your face with a mask, and so on. According to worldometers.info, the pandemic has infected until now over 10 million people around the world and killed over 500,000. But let’s also take into account the good part: more than 5.7 million people of those infected had been recovered by the medical workers and doctors.

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