Six law-protected panda bear, were recovered from traffickers in Laos, an animal protection organization said on Tuesday to the DPA.
It is the first time that the Laos authorities manage to recover from traffickers endangered specimens of this species, Rador informs.
The animals were discovered in a roadside control when a truck, which ran from the Chinese border to Luang Namtha, was stopped for routine check-ups, Australian-based “Free the Bears” said. Only three of the six panda bears survived the trip and the other three died due to inadequate transport conditions being kept locked in, said Michelle Valhout Tanneau, Laos Group of Animal Rights activists.
The three remaining panda bears were quarantined in Luang Pranbang Reserve, belonging to the “Free the Bears” organization. The bearcat panda is in the evidence of the International Conservation Union as an endangered species. According to estimates, in the world currently lives below 10,000 such specimens.