PETA Accuses The Animal Adventure Park For Endangering April The Pregnant Giraffe

PETA Accuses The Animal Adventure Park For Endangering April The Pregnant Giraffe

Just 6 months ago, April the giraffe gave birth to a beautiful calf, and the whole world witnessed it through a live cam that was put together by the Animal Adventure Park. A few days ago, the park announced that the giraffe is pregnant again and that doctors cleared her to have another baby.

Although fans all over the world got excited, PETA condemned the owners for taking advantage of April’s popularity. A 15-year-old giraffe, raised in captivity, is too weak and fragile for a second pregnancy. Not to mention that the New York weather is way too cold for this species of animals.

Jordan Patch, the owner of the zoo stated that the well-being of the giraffe is his number one priority, and if veterinarians wouldn’t have cleared April for a second pregnancy, he would never force it on her.

When April gave birth to Tajiri, 1.3 million people watched her on the live-camera and followed her while the baby got bigger and stronger.
While fans of the giraffe were happy to hear the good news, PETA released to the public facts that show just how bad the decision is. 80% of giraffes that are being held in captivity suffer from depression, are stressed and may die prematurely due to these factors.

They also blame the zoo owner for choosing money and fame over its animal’s well-being. He struck back accusing PETA of the same thing, claiming that they proved on more than one occasion that they are more than prepared for taking care of their animals and their conservation.

4 thoughts on “PETA Accuses The Animal Adventure Park For Endangering April The Pregnant Giraffe

  1. I think that they are just trying to take advantage of the pregnancy, because she raised a LOT of money with Tajiri. I think that this is really wrong, and they are just making her more vulnerable to the cold, and diseases that could kill her, and the new baby.

    1. KAYLEE you do realize that APril has been raised in captivity her whole entire LIFE.. actually i have met april at her previous home and she is AMAZING well taken care of and is very very happy! quit your whining!

    2. Because of her being on live internet feeds she garnered LOTS of attention and people donated money and visited the park etc. However that was a good thing! The whole Idea was to bring awareness to how low the numbers are for these Giraffes. The park is trying to help bring up those numbers and raise money for the cause. They did that in spades! They in no way caused harm to any of the giraffes. If she has another it will be because she has been cleared to and a vet is not going to say she is cleared if she is not in good health. April is very healthy and taken care of as is Tajiri and Oliver and all animals at the park. I hope they continue to make money for them and the cause. Any money the park makes is great since they have a lot of animals to feed. many of their animals are rescues and what the Park does for them is wonderful! They all have enclosures to protect them from the cold and their areas are cleaned and the vets check all their animals so there is nothing making them more vulnerable. It is a shame that you are attacking and saying they are as you said above. She is NOT pregnant as far as anyone knows. She has JUST begun mating again after being cleared and PETA is once again Jumping the gun and accusing without providing facts. Shame on them!

  2. PETA shut up and stop thinking that every single animal is being mistreated! you are terrible terrible people! I am all for stopping animals that are being abused but This place is amazing, the animals are well taken care of.. go spew your crap somewhere else!


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