If You Have Kids You Might Want To Reconsider Getting A Cat

If You Have Kids You Might Want To Reconsider Getting A Cat

Just like human hair, the cat’s hair can be swallowed accidentally. In fact, any small and hard-to-see items can be accidentally ingested, especially by children: dust, hair (fallen lashes, for example), nail scraps, small bones of fish, etc. This is just one of the most common dangers of cat hair.

But, Is It Dangerous?

The hair itself is not dangerous because it is eliminated through digestion. It does not attack the internal organs nor does it “stick” to the esophagus or intestines. Eventually, it stays in the mouth and it is removed by spitting or swallowing with a glass of water. Although it seems weird or disgusting, the truth is that it can happen to ingest hair, especially if we have pets. No matter how much we clean up, we can not eliminate the risks. Just as we can not always control what our child swallows accidentally.

There is a situation when the ingestion of a cat’s hair may be dangerous, but it is not related to hair but to certain parasites that catch on the hair and which can cause diseases if they reach the body, for example, the Echinococcus. The parasite is worn by sick or unvaccinated animals that are consuming raw meat.

If your cat is vaccinated, stays in the house all the time and is fed with special food, there is no risk of parasites being transmitted. If you have cats that live outdoors but you let them sleep in the house, then the risk of taking parasites increases. In this case, it is recommended that the cats do not stay in the house or touch the child. A veterinary exam will reduce these risks.


Cat hair can be dangerous for allergic people or for those who have mold allergies or dust in the house. Children’s allergies can be detected from an early age and in these cases, some protective measures are required.

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