Are You Living With Heart Failure? Here’s How To Tell

Are You Living With Heart Failure? Here’s How To Tell

Heart failure is a dangerous disorder that occurs when the heart muscle fails to pump blood as efficiently as it should. It is often caused by restricted arteries caused by coronary artery disease or excessive blood pressure, both of which may damage the heart over time. Per the Cleveland Clinic, around 5.7 million Americans are now suffering from heart failure, with approximately 550,000 new cases being diagnosed each year. It is the greatest reason for hospitalization in persons over the age of 65, and if remaining unattended, it may be fatal.


Signs and Diagnosis of Heart Failure

Despite the fact that heart failure is rather frequent, many individuals are unaware of its symptoms. One unexpected symptom, produced by fluid buildup in the lungs, appears when an individual with the illness rests on their back. If you observe this, it’s time to be evaluated for heart failure & cardiovascular disease, according to specialists. Continue reading to learn about the symptoms to watch out for and how to gauge the severity of your problem.
Those suffering from heart failure typically notice orthopnea, which is defined as breathlessness when laying down. As a consequence of heart failure, some patients feel breathlessness during physical exertion.

This has major ramifications. According to a 2002 research published in the European Heart Journal Supplements, nearly 90% of patients with heart failure died of cardiovascular causes. The intensity of the condition will vary based on your sleeping positions for the majority of orthopnea sufferers. Discomfort and shortness of breath usually worsen when you lie flat in the bed.

This may really assist you in determining the severity of your issue. Once you can’t seem to get your breath when laying in bed, it’s time to visit your physician for a cardiac test.

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