CDC Reveals New Unsettling Data About Covid 19 Vaccines’ Effectiveness

CDC Reveals New Unsettling Data About Covid 19 Vaccines’ Effectiveness

As you probably know by now, the Delta variant of the novel coronavirus has been ravishing the world for quite a while.

The Delta Covid variant is ruling all the other strains across the globe these days. It’s already been revealed that the Delta variant is the most dangerous one so far, according to more expert opinions across the globe. 

The Guardian revealed just recently that reaching herd immunity is “not a possibility” considering the current Delta variant, according to the head of the Oxford vaccine Group has said.

CDC also dropped some new unsettling data about the effectiveness of the Covid 19 vaccines. 

CDC reveals new data about the Delta variant 

It’s been just reported that the Delta variant is affecting the vaccine effectiveness, which has dropped by about 25 percentage points since the variant became the dominant strain of coronavirus in the U.S.. This is what a new study among healthcare workers finds.

The study comes from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and it found that the vaccines’ effectiveness against the infections declined from 91% prior to this variant’s emergence to 66% after the rise of the Delta variant in the summer.

LiveScience notes that despite this “moderate reduction,” health officials are highlighting the following:

“the sustained two-thirds reduction in infection risk underscores the continued importance and benefits of COVID-19 vaccination.”

This is what the authors wrote in the study, published Tuesday (Aug. 24) in the CDC journal Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR).

Source: Pixabay
Source: Pixabay

People all over the world have been struggling with the novel coronavirus for more than a year now, and various vaccines and potential treatments were thought to put an end to the disaster brought upon the world by the virus. 

But it seems that the struggle continues, and we’ll have to wait some more until we can get back to something closer to the normality that we used to know. 

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