A Philippi mother delivered her baby boy on the N2 Highway. Alicia Mbovane started getting contractions late night, on Thursday, but she thought it was only a false alarm.
The false alarm turned into a birth miracle exactly in the middle of the traffic, in Cape Town.
Friday morning, the baby wasn’t just going to wait around, so before getting to the hospital, Alicia Mbovane gave birth on the highway. Later, she got to the Mowbray Maternity.
Alicia Mbovane – The Luckiest Mother in Cape Town
The midwife was none other than a traffic officer, who appears to be experienced, as she was trained in first aid and midwifery. Alicia Mbovane was very lucky to have met the officer!
As Amanda Fojo was fining a taxi driver, a motorist stopped by and requested the officer to escort them to the Mowbray Maternity Hospital, because there was a mother in labor and she was stuck in traffic. The officer, realized that they would never make it in time to deliver the baby in the hospital, so she decided to help the mother to deliver the baby right on the side of N2.
Amanda Fojo also stated that she just told the mother to push. Alicia Mbovane is forever thankful to Amanda Fojo for delivering her child. The officer laughed and said that she has never been thanked before, in all her 12 years of being on the job.
For now, the parents haven’t agreed to a name for their hurried-up boy.
The traffic officer went back to her work after delivering the baby and escorted the mother and the baby to the hospital.
Both the mother and the baby boy are healthy: ‘The baby and mom are doing really good after being delivered on the highway in the car’, according to the statement given by Dr Saadiqa Allie at the Mowbray Maternity Hospital.