These Specific Spices Fight Inflammation

It’s been reported that there are specific spices that fight inflammation in the body. Check out the latest reports about these below. Spices can fight inflammation A group of researchers at the University of Florida-Gainesville and Penn State conducted an…
Inflammation And Weight, The Origins Of Depression?

The origins of depression are currently being studied and it seems like inflammation and weight might be the cause of depression. Inflammation and weight addressed as the origins of depression Major depressive disorder (MDD), commonly known as depression, is a…
Foods to Avoid if You Have Joint Pain

Regular joint pain or swelling can be really frustrating and can really affect your quality of life. As for why this happens, there can be many different reasons, but the most common is arthritis. After all, this “disease” is not…
Fruits & Veggies That Can Help You Fight Inflammation

Inflammation is a natural response to bodily injury or invasion by pathogens. It’s meant to be a short-term defense, but chronic inflammation can lead to serious health issues such as heart disease, diabetes and even certain types of cancer. In…
Best Drinks With Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Drinking alcohol and having a glass of wine might help you relax after a long day at work, but it’s not good for your body. Alcohol can cause inflammation, which is the root of many diseases. Here are 5 drinks…
Foods That Cause Inflammation & Aging In Your Body

Inflammation is one of the body’s natural defense mechanisms. It helps the body heal from infection, injury or stress — and it’s also a key factor in chronic diseases like cancer, heart disease, diabetes and obesity. This type of inflammation…
Foods That Have Hidden Inflammatory Properties

You’ve probably heard about inflammation before. It’s like an immune system response to an injury or infection, and is often characterized by redness, swelling, pain, and heat. A little bit of inflammation is normal, but too much can lead to…
Research Links Inflammation to Body Clock

Recent research discovered that the body clock controls the way and scale of the inflammatory response. This may open no therapeutic opportunities when treating patients that suffer from increased inflammation such as cardiovascular disease, arthritis and asthma among other. By…