Stolen Giraffe Sculpture Was Recovered

Stolen Giraffe Sculpture Was Recovered

Recently, a giraffe sculpture in life size was stolen back in April from the Shingle Springs. The sculpture has been recently found 20 miles away, in Carmichael. It is merely a metal giraffe, but for the owners it does have a special meaning. The owner, Kathy McTernan, together with her family, declared that they were quite affected by this incident. Back in April, they declared for FOX40 that they were wondering how could anyone do that.

An Unexpected Ending

On Tuesday, FOX40 visited a duplex in Carmichael, after they received a tip from a viewer. Apparently, a woman who lived there had announced them that the giraffe was in her own back yard. She declared for them that the ex-boyfriend of her daughter tried to bring and hide it at home. Ever since he did this, she had been thinking of a way to get rid of the quite big giraffe statue she had in the backyard.

FOX40 tried to contact the McTernan family and to bring them the good news. Of course, they had received permission from the Sacramento County Sheriff’s Department. Following the good news, McTernan’s son-in-law came and picked it up. He brought the giraffe back home, offering the entire family a happy, but unexpected ending. It was especially happy since Ms. McTernan declared she had quit any hope of seeing her giraffe sculpture back home.

The Amazing Power of Online Media

Once again, we see how important online media and its ability of connecting people is. Even though it was not such a big item, it was still important for the family. Needless to say, they appreciated a lot the help given by the woman who was trying to get rid of the weird giraffe statue standing in her backyard.

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