It’s an extremely devastating video that documentary makers from Sea Legacy captured on the Canadian Baffin this summer. The poor animal was captured while it couldn’t even use its back legs to walk and the bone structure was very obvious with its white hair hanging on it. It was not the first time that photographer Paul Nicklen came along a polar bear in the wildlife while growing up in the Northern part of Canada. It was a heartbreaking moment when the whole team stood there filming the polar while it was struggling to find any traces of leftover to eat. Nicklen stated for National Geographic how they stood there in tears watching the animal dying.
Could have the team intervened there?
It cruels as it would appear to be, it’s only the result of the iceless lands that produce inevitable bad consequences in the near future. The biologist team cannot casually walk aside with a high-fat seal and they or a tranquilizer gun. Nicklen said that it crossed his mind to save the polar bear somehow but that only had prolonged the animal’s suffering also.
The alarming global warming
Scientists predict that in 100 years 25,000 polar bears will starve to death. Main cause? Climate change! Over the years, the Earth’s population increased terribly and more human places are being built in places which sometime belonged to animals. Unless we begin reducing the carbon footprint, eat the right food and stop cutting down the forests, a salvation can occur. For polar bears melting sea ice is fatal since they rely on it to hunt for seals conform with the European Geosciences Union publication. Their primary sense of hunting is the smell and going in the direction of the wind they might walk for a while. With the global warming, winds are changing too and this thing will make it harder and harder for them to use the sense of smell and to hunt. Lately, since the ice is melting, polar bears’ territory is invaded by grizzly bears which one day, will completely replace their polar habitat and disappear.