We all need to take good care of our teeth if we don’t want them to be damaged early. Keeping them clean and brushing them every day is practically mandatory if we want for “say cheese!” to not become the ultimate curse.
TimesNowNews.com brings us a list of habits that will damage our teeth almost surely if we don’t stop doing them. Behold the list:
Using teeth for other things except masticating
We get it, it’s so cool to open a beer bottle with just your teeth as real men do! But over time, if you’re using your teeth in such a way and others that are similar, don’t be shocked if they’ll get damaged. Neither youth nor power will last forever, that’s for sure!
Brushing the teeth too hard
Brushing your teeth is highly important for keeping them healthy, but that doesn’t mean that you have to do it hard and aggressively. Just try to be as gentle as possible with that toothbrush and, at the same time, use it in an efficient way. There’s no use being rough. Otherwise, your teeth and the gums could face damage, and it will further lead to irritation, inflammation, and reddening.
Grinding teeth
It may be in our subconscious that we start grinding teeth when we’re angry or anxious. But that’s another way of damaging our teeth – weakening of the jaw or even breaking the teeth could occur.
Biting nails
It may surely sound incredible, but a lot of people still bite their nails regularly. Such behavior is associated with mental disorders, and it represents another way to get your teeth damaged over time.
Eating ice
Some individuals like to chew the leftover pieces of ice from beverages. Such a habit can damage the nerves and tissues of the teeth, which obviously means that you should stop engaging in such a habit ASAP.
Feel free to tell us in the comment section if you have other ways of keeping your teeth healthy!