Trying to Lose Weight in the New Year? – Here Are the 4 Foods You Should Avoid!

Trying to Lose Weight in the New Year? – Here Are the 4 Foods You Should Avoid!

Since 2022 is right around the corner, it’s unavoidable that many people are starting to set resolutions for the new year!

Many of them will definitely be health-related as well, especially after the holidays where people tend to ease up on their fitness and healthy lifestyle in general in favor of some relaxing time with the family and some delicious but often unhealthy meals.

With that being said, if you are keen to setting a health-related goal for yourself in the new year, namely losing some weight, make sure you have all the right tools and mindset in order to not set yourself up for failure.

After all, dropping some pounds in a healthy and sustainable way can look different depending on the person but oftentimes, it also requires some type of diet and exercise every day.

Of course, there’s no one food that can easily make people lose or gain weight but there’s no doubt there are some which can really harm your progress if your goal is to slim down in 2022.

As a result, this guide is here to help you figure out what you should and shouldn’t avoid in order to be successful and features advice from actual nutritionion experts.

That being said, here are the 4 types of food you should try your best to avoid for the sake of weight loss!

Just keep in mind that no one diet is right and you should still be able to enjoy what you enjoy as long as you practice moderation.

White Bread

There is no way you have never heard of the damaging effects of consuming white bread!

After all, it is a processed carbohydrate that can and will ruin all your plans of dropping some pounds if you are not careful.

Jinan Banna, Ph.D., RD explains that “White bread doesn’t help you stay full, so you might end up eating more calories than you need at your meal and gain weight over time, especially because white bread has been stripped of the fiber you need to give you that sense of fullness. Because of this, it is better to choose whole-grain items to prevent weight gain in 2022.”

Fried Foods

To achieve your weight loss goal, try to avoid fried food as much as possible!

Dr. Banna explains that this is good advice due to the fact that friend foods “are generally high in calories, and if you consume more calories than you burn, this promotes weight gain.”

One study showed that the consumption of fried food is generally associated with a higher risk of gaining weight and developing obesity while another research done by the British Medical Journal, proved that those genetically predisposed to experiencing weight problems should definitely limit friend foods from their diets.

Sugar Substitutes

Janet Coleman, a registered dietitian, tells The Consumer Mag that sugar substitutes can actually be a big problem when someone is trying to lose weight, despite the fact that they technically, have no calories!

Coleman explains that “It’s important to recognize that even though these substitutes have zero calories, they still cause an increase in blood glucose levels which can affect your ability to lose weight and research has shown that sugar substitutes can actually encourage weight gain due to their effect on insulin sensitivity.”

Low-Fiber Foods

Another registered dietician, gut health expert and the founder of Uplift Food, Kara Landau, RD, shares that “You should avoid foods that are low in fiber—like white bread, rice cakes, potato crisps, and other non-whole grain-based items—as they can contribute to weight gain in several ways. For example, soluble fiber slows gastric emptying, which keeps you feeling fuller for longer so you are less likely to overeat at your next meal.”

She goes on to note that a not so well known source of fiber that is actually really important when trying to lose weight is resistant starch!

“This type of fiber resists digestion as it travels along your gut, and upon reaching your large intestine, is fermented by the beneficial bacteria living there. This fermentation process releases byproducts which improve the body’s insulin response, ultimately reducing fat stored around the waistline.”

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