5 Fat-Burning Interval Workouts (HIIT training)

5 Fat-Burning Interval Workouts (HIIT training)


HIIT Training has gained a lot of popularity lately due to the amazing results it delivers. It has been proved that people who aim at burning fat should forget about the long sessions of cardio at the gym and replace them with HIIT workout sessions instead. And the best bit is that not only you burn a lot of fat and calories whilst working out, but your body keeps burning fat for hours after the workout is completed.

Here are 5 HIIT workouts that are guaranteed to have you shedding that excess fat you’ve been trying to get rid of.

Circuit 1 consists of four rounds that combine different exercises with only one minute rest in between.

Round One has got you doing 10 burpees, 15 mountain climbers and 20 jumping jacks. There is no rest between the exercises; now jump rope for 3 minutes.

Rest for 1 minute, repeat two more times and move to Round Two.

Round Two has got you walking lunges with Kettlebell underneath your legs for 45 seconds. Rest for 15 seconds then do pushups for 45 seconds. Rest again for 15 seconds, then move to 45 seconds of lunge jumps. After 15 more seconds of rest, move to 45 seconds of walk-outs (inchworms).

Rest for 15 seconds and repeat the round two more times. Jump rope for 3 minutes, rest for 1 minute and move to Round 3.
Round Three has got you doing traveling Kettlebell squats for 45 seconds. Rest for 15 seconds, then do 45 seconds of TRX Pullups. After 15 more seconds of rest, move to 45 seconds of box jumps. Rest again for no more than 15 seconds then do 45 seconds of TRX Jack Knives.

Rest for 15 seconds, then repeat the round two more times. Jump rope for 3 minutes, rest for 1 minute than move to our final Round Four.

Round Four has got you doing traveling side lunges for 45 seconds, followed by 15 seconds of rest, 45 seconds of dips and another 15 seconds of rest. Move to 45 seconds of speed skaters (lateral jumps), rest for 15 seconds, performs plank to pushup for 45 seconds then rest again for 15 seconds.

Repeat Round Four two more time, jump rope for 3 minutes and your HIIT workout is complete.


Circuit 2 is based on the Tabata protocol, meaning you are expected to perform each of the below exercises for 20 seconds, with 10 seconds of rest in between. Once the completed, rest for two minutes then aim to complete the circuit two more times.

The circuit consists of the following exercises:

  • Bodyweight Rows
  • Jump Rope
  • Medicine Ball Chest Pass
  • Medicine Ball Squat to Overhead Throw
  • Jumping Lunges
  • Renegade Rows
  • Planks
  • Plyo Pushups
  • Treadmill Incline Sprints (if you are at the gym)

Circuit 3 consists of only two types of exercises but be wary as this is a very intense workout.

First you have 30 seconds of 25 mark for rope movement (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9RsTIRBpPdw), followed by 15 seconds of rest, then 30 seconds of sledgehammer to a tire as fast as you can.

Rest for 60 seconds, then repeat the circuit at least once more, if not twice.
Circuit 4 is also a short, yet very intense, efficient workout hence the longer periods of rest in between the sets.

Start off with 30 yard loaded sled push, rest for 90 seconds, then do 25 Kettlebell swings and rest again for 90 seconds.

Aim to complete the circuit two or three times.

Circuit 5 is mostly designed for people who work out at the gym as it requires having access to a treadmill. This circuit is based on short 1 minute sets of sprinting at different incline angles, with 90 seconds rest periods in between.

Start off with a 1 minute sprint and rest. Sprint for 1 minute at 3% incline, rest, then sprint at 6%, 9% and 12% incline angles for 1 minute each. Don’t forget about the 90 seconds recovery times.

Depending on your fitness level, aim to complete this circuit for three to six times.

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