There are many skin conditions out there and one of the most obvious ones is Vitiligo. This chronic skin condition is visible due to the white patches on different skin areas. The margins are heavily defined due to the log of pigment. All parts of the body can be affected, even the hair. In 2017, researchers have discovered there is a relation between vitamin D and vitiligo.
Vitamin D levels should be checked regularly
The article published in Acta Dermatovenerologica Croatica shows that patients suffering from this condition also have low levels of vitamin D. The study aimed to investigate the levels of vitamin D in patient895s suffering from the condition. After the results, which confirmed the researcher’s hypothesis, it is still unclear if the lack of vitamin D is due to vitiligo condition or because of the condition the patients lacks the vitamin D.
Vitamin D deficiency is common of patients with darker skins according to a US study in which 31% of white-colored women were vitamin D deficient, while 78 % of black-skinned woman were lacking vitamin D. The conclusion is that is someone is dark skinned and has vitiligo, that person also has a vitamin D deficiency.
Doctors perform other studies
A cosmetic surgeon from Sydney, Australia, Dr. Joseph Georghy believes that vitamin D deficiency influences the severity of vitiligo and according to his research; lack of vitamin D is the cause of the skin condition. He also pointed out that genetics and chronic stress are triggering factors as well.
The implications are huge if more studies confirm the relationship between vitamin D and vitiligo. Drugs and treatments can be developed to help patients. If a patient has low levels of vitamin D, then a supplementation should be given by the doctor.
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