Vaccinated Mother’s Breast Milk Includes COVID-19 Antibodies, Research Reveals

Vaccinated Mother’s Breast Milk Includes COVID-19 Antibodies, Research Reveals

Women who have been vaccinated against Coronavirus might transfer protection to their babies during breastfeeding. These findings were obtained by a University of Florida study which was recently published. Scientists claimed that antibodies transmitted via breast milk might be suitable for newborns. However, to evaluate its impact, additional investigation is necessary.

“Milk is a dynamic substance. So, in other words, what the baby and the mom (are) exposed to in the environment, there are changes in the milk that correspond to these environmental conditions. And these can then specifically help the baby,” explained co-author Dr. Josef Neu.

The immunity systems of newborns are not completely formed at birth. Moreover, at their age, they cannot be vaccinated against the virus. Nevertheless, breast milk could function as a valuable instrument to modify this susceptibility.

 The blood and the breast milk of 21 nursing women never infected with COVID-19 were tested three times after vaccinating them. The first test took place before the shot, the second one after the first dosage, and finally the last test after the second dose. The vaccines used for the study were Moderna and Pfizer/BioNTech. The research started with the initial access to Coronavirus vaccinations to health professionals back in December 2020 and was carried out by March.

Scientists observed that there is a marked 100-fold rise in immunoglobulin A antibodies, particularly in breast milk. This was discovered after the participants had taken their second dose of the vaccine. Researchers noted that mothers could get antibodies if the breast milk is frozen and kept in the fridge instead of given to a kid straightaway. Other investigations have demonstrated that the blood of the umbilical cord has transferred antibodies of expectant mothers immunized against Coronavirus to the fetus.

The risks of serious COVID-19 are raised for women who are pregnant or who recently gave birth.

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