Doctor Says Current COVID Surge in the US Is Unprecedented

Doctor Says Current COVID Surge in the US Is Unprecedented

A lot of people were hoping that the COVID-19 pandemic was approaching its end, that 2022 would bring its end, that the Omicron variant would be significantly less dangerous than previous strains, and so on. But unfortunately, the reality is there once again to shatter our dreams.

There’s no sign of the coronavirus pandemic slowing down. In fact, the USA, meaning the hardest-hit country in the world by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, is currently reporting terrifying numbers of infections and deaths.

Dr. James Phillips, who is chief of disaster medicine at George Washington University Hospital, is one of those experts who bring us terrible information. According to CNN, he believes that the current surge in patients is unprecedented for the ongoing pandemic.

Omicron cases are flooding the US health system

The same source mentioned above reveals that the United States has a hard time due to the Omicron variant of COVID. And that’s understandable since it’s the most infectious strain of the virus that the country has been dealing with.

Credit:, Gerd Altmann
Credit:, Gerd Altmann

For instance, on the very first day of the New Year, the US has reported over 239,000 infections with the SARS-CoV-2 virus, according to data brought to the world by

Dr. Esther Choo, an emergency medicine professor, says the following, as quoted by CNN:

Our health system is at a very different place than we were in previous surges.

This strain is so infectious that I think all of us know many, many colleagues who are currently infected or have symptoms and are under quarantine.

The same doctor drops another terrifying statement, as cited by the same source:

We’ve lost at least 20% of our health care workforce — probably more. also tells us that the USA has reached a total of over 55.9 million infections and more than 847,000 deaths because of the COVID pandemic.

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