Bill Gates’ Latest Message About The Next Months Of The Coronavirus Pandemic Outrages People: “It’s Bad News!”

Bill Gates’ Latest Message About The Next Months Of The Coronavirus Pandemic Outrages People: “It’s Bad News!”

Bill Gates has been more than vocal lately about the coronavirus subject. This is a very spiny issue considering the fact that 2020 might have been one of the worst years that our generation lived so far.

Everyone’s keeping an eye on the various treatments that pop up and have the ability to tackle the Covid-19 symptoms and especially on the upcoming vaccines. The vaccines triggered all kinds of positive reactions from people, but they have also been surrounded by massive controversies.

Bill Gates addressed the vaccine issue more than once and managed to upset a lot of people. Now, he drops more bad news according to the latest reports.

Bill Gates drops some bad news about the upcoming months 

MarketWatch revealed that gates had an interview with CNN the other day, and he shared some pretty bad news for those people who are feeling optimistic about the US arrival of the very first Covid-19 vaccine.

“Sadly, the next four to six months could be the worst of the pandemic. The IHME forecast shows over 200,000 additional deaths. If we would follow the rules, in terms of wearing masks and not mixing, we could avoid a large percentage of those deaths,” he said. 
What he seemed to be saying was that we should meet all expectations for the vaccine’s impact in check.

“I thought the U.S. would do a better job handling it,” Gates explained to CNN host Jake Tapper.

He continued and said that “This virus could be more fatal than it is. We didn’t get the worst-case. But the thing that has surprised me is that the economic impact in the U.S. and around the world has been much greater than the forecasts that I made five years ago.”

But not everything that he had to say was so gloomy, as he also explained that life would start getting back to normal during the next summer. Check out the full interview to learn more about what the mogul had to say.

Stay tuned for more news about the subject, and stay safe. And most importantly, don’t forget to remain positive and focus on the good news about all kinds of viable treatments as well. 

One thought on “Bill Gates’ Latest Message About The Next Months Of The Coronavirus Pandemic Outrages People: “It’s Bad News!”

  1. I’d like to know how Bill Gates has had firsthand information about the pandemic.. its almost as if he had a large roll in the whole thing… everything about this man seems suspect..


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