Breaking: Bill Gates Releases Crucial News About Coronavirus Vaccine Safety

Breaking: Bill Gates Releases Crucial News About Coronavirus Vaccine Safety

Bill Gates has been making lots of headlines regarding the coronavirus and new viable vaccines these days.

As we already reported, the whole media is addressing two potential viable coronavirus vaccines coming from Pfizer and Moderna.

Both of them are reportedly 95% effective, according to the latest details coming from the companies.

People are also concerned about the safety of the vaccines these days, and this is the main reason for which a lot of individuals are too afraid to take it, and they say that they will refuse getting vaccinated. 

Gates also addressed his very own concern, but this did not have anything to do with the safety of the vaccine – instead, he is terrified that we’ll be witnessing a “dysfunctional” approach regarding the distribution of the Covid-19 vaccines.

It’s also important to mention that he made a gloomy prediction about the future, about the post-coronavirus world, according to reports coming from CNBC. 

Bill Gates reveals some good news

After all this, all the uncertainty that has been ruling our lives, Bill Gates also dropped some good news, especially for the people who are waiting for the vaccine with the hope that this will bring back as close to normality as possible.

It’s been revealed that last week, he noted that he is “very confident” about the safety and the efficacy of a Food and Drug Administration-approved immunization.

YouTube video

It’s also important to mention that these statements were made during an appearance on “The Daily Show with Trevor Noah,” – it was just before Pfizer and BioNTech announced the past Friday that they had officially applied for emergency use authorization for their vaccine candidate.

“It’s clear that the FDA went through the professional staff there, all the things that they are supposed to, likewise Pfizer, there’s even an external committee that will weigh in just to make absolutely sure that the political desire to get this quickly did not infect the efficacy and safety review,” Gates stated as cited by The Hill. 

Make sure to check out the video above as well in order to learn what more he had to say. 

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