What Are the Most Common Mental Diseases for Students

What Are the Most Common Mental Diseases for Students

A completely new environment, unusual surroundings, extraordinary challenges, and responsibilities are the key reasons why an increasing number of college students struggle with mental disorders. They are usually referred to as ailments that influence not only thoughts but also behaviors and moods. Contemporary experts use the term “crisis” to describe the nature of mental health problems typical of students. According to the results of the numerous studies, over 60% of learners suffer from anxiety, while the other 40% feel depressed.

It is essential to mention that researchers cannot find a direct link between genetics and the increased risk of mental disorders. Instead, numerous lifestyle factors, such as social interactions, personal activity, diet, and others, can trigger the onset of severe mental conditions. At the same time, experts mention two types of problems, chronic and occasional. The first one is usually associated with constant loneliness and lack of support, while the second may appear as a result of a trivial issue. If the student has been asking everyone, “is essaypro legit?” and has failed with his attempts, he is likely to experience intense anxiety and depression caused by helplessness.

Generally, mental health disorders cause significant changes in the way students behave, learn and handle emotions. While the list of typical mental problems students experience may be endless, you need to pay ultimate attention to the most common ones.

  • This is, probably, the most spread mental disorder among college students. It is impossible to deny that we feel anxious from time to time. However, a constant feeling of tension, panic, and concern may considerably decrease the quality of college life and interfere with educational success. Anxiety is a trivial disorder until the moment its symptoms are getting bothersome and start preventing you from usual functioning. At this point, it becomes a mental condition that requires professional help.

It is important to remember that the signs of anxiety can sometimes be mistaken for everyday stress or worry. However, it is crucial to differentiate various symptoms and eliminate the disorder when it just starts developing.

  • This is another serious mental health issue popular among students. The problem is frequently associated with a constant feeling of hopelessness, desperation, loneliness, and sadness. None of the favorite activities are exciting and enjoyable. The student becomes indifferent and passive. Frequent mood swings, severe sleep disorders, constant headaches, abnormal appetite, and similar problems start bothering people who are affected by depression. According to the results of the most recent survey, over 45% of college students experience a significant depression episode every year. Although the symptoms of depression may vary, depending on the person, its negative impact remains identical.
  • Eating disorders. People who are convinced that their eating habits are related only to their preferences are greatly mistaken. In the vast majority of cases, eating disorders are far more than a personal attitude to food. Instead, that is a mental problem that requires complex medical treatment. As mentioned in numerous sources, there are several types and forms of eating disorders, including anorexia, bulimia, binge, rumination, and pica. Each of these problems can have unwanted, life-threatening impacts on the body. It is critical to contact the medical specialist if you have noticed severe changes in your eating habits.
  • Mood problems. It has recently been estimated that over 30% of college students suffer from a particular type of mood disorder. Even though some mood changes are indispensable parts of normal human functioning, persistent and continuous changes in behavior, emotions, and thoughts may become the symptoms of the devastating mental health problem. The overwhelming feeling of loneliness, decreased self-esteem, limited energy, and negative thoughts are the first signs of the condition development.

Apart from the most common mental health disorders, students may experience a variety of other problems that will prevent them from possible success. It is crucial to contact a health care specialist and get professional medical help right when the first symptoms of the disorder started bothering you. No matter if you feel depressed, anxious, abnormally hungry, lonely, or lost, you should not blame yourself but rather start looking for possible ways out. Check out some basic tips that will not help you treat mental health disorder but will definitely prevent its occurrence.

    • Stay active. Find friends and people who share your hobbies and keep in touch with them.
    • Get help. When the college tasks are getting too complicated, remember about the essay pro, a service that will come in handy.
    • Share your emotions. No matter if you are exceptionally happy or sad, you need to have someone to tell about it. Making friends with a roommate is the best way to prevent mental health problems.
    • Be engaged. Do you enjoy sports? Are you fond of painting? Reading, singing, acting, and other activities will help you be busy and have no time for depression.

It is essential to mention that researchers cannot find a direct link between genetics and the increased risk of mental disorders. Instead, numerous lifestyle factors, such as social interactions, personal activity, diet, and others, can trigger the onset of severe mental conditions. Burnout from studying can also be a major cause of stress and mental diseases. Websites like customessaymeister.com help minimize its probability by handling the assignments. The service also has some publications discussing the occurrence of mental health issues in students. At the same time, experts mention two types of problems, chronic and occasional. The first one is usually associated with constant loneliness and lack of support, while the second may appear as a result of a trivial issue. If the student has been asking everyone, “is essaypro legit?” and has failed with his attempts, he is likely to experience intense anxiety and depression caused by helplessness.

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