Three Shots And 1 Booster Did Not Offer Enough Protection Against Covid 19

Three Shots And 1 Booster Did Not Offer Enough Protection Against Covid 19

The efficiency of covid vaccines has been debated for a really long time now. Check out the latest reports which are pretty interesting about the issue. 

CNN Health posted an interesting article about an individual who received the second gift of life. Check out the notes below.
The article begins by saying that ‘Double-masking, staying at home nearly 24/7 and rarely seeing people beyond his wife are still the way of life for kidney transplant recipient Andrew Linder, even after many in the United States are living as the pandemic has ended.”

Hope turns to nightmare 

The article also mentioned the fact that the health officials are recommending third and even fourth shots to boost Covid-19 resistance for people with certain conditions, but that hasn’t eased the fears of some immunocompromised people.

“Linder, 34, received the life-changing gift of a kidney from his wife, Emily, in September 2019. He will be on immunosuppressants for the rest of his life to keep his body from rejecting the organ,” the article notes.

Credit: Pixabay

The story continues and reveals that the coronavirus vaccines brought some hope for the Linders, who live in Akron, Ohio.

It’s been revealed that Andrew Linder had two doses of the Pfizer vaccine and later an additional dose and a booster. But the very same notes reveal something heartbreaking: “Hope quickly turned to heartbreak.”

“I had no antibodies whatsoever. That was shocking and scary and sucky for sure,” Linder told CNN.

He continued and said the following:

“I almost feel just as unsafe or if not potentially a little bit more unsafe now than at the beginning of the pandemic, just for the fact that I could get it at this point in time.”

We suggest that you check out the complete piece posted by CNN. 

Covid vaccines in the news

It’s been also revealed that the EMA said earlier this year that it had found a possible link between the very rare inflammatory heart condition and covid vaccines from both Pfizer’s and Moderna’s vaccines.
However, the Jerusalem Post revealed that EMA is basically echoing similar views expressed by US regulators and the World Health Organization.

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