Robert Malone: FDA Should Recall ‘Adulterated’ Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine

Robert Malone: FDA Should Recall ‘Adulterated’ Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine

Robert Malone has a thing or two to say about the adulterated COVID-19 vaccine. Check out the latest reports in order to find out what’s this all about.

Altered COVID-19 vaccine

Experts have claimed that Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine is adulterated as a result of the undisclosed DNA sequence present in it. According to Dr. Robert Malone, a renowned vaccine expert whose work has been cited by Pfizer, this revelation warrants a recall by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

“It absolutely should be recalled,” Dr. Malone told The Epoch Times.

“Will the FDA do its job?” he added later.

The Epoch Times has confirmed that Pfizer’s vaccine contains a DNA sequence of Simian Virus 40 (SV40). This discovery was made by outside researchers, including Kevin McKernan, which prompted the authorities in Canada to investigate and confirm the presence of the sequence in the shot.

While the primary genetic sequence of the SV40 virus that is associated with cancer is not present in Pfizer’s vaccine, there is a part of the sequence called a promoter-enhancer.

This sequence can get things into the nucleus, which is a concern, according to David Wiseman, a former Johnson & Johnson scientist.

It is worth noting that the whole SV40 virus has been known to cause cancer, and it was removed from polio vaccines in the past.

Due to the presence of the sequence, some experts say, the FDA should find the product adulterated, which is defined under federal law as having a “strength, quality, or purity differing from the official compendium.”

In an essay, Dr. Malone explained that Congress had instructed the FDA to order a recall from the manufacturer of a drug suspected of being contaminated if it fails to meet the compendium standards after being tested, and if it poses a health risk. Stay tuned for more relevant news.

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