Psychyatric Disorders Could Be Treated With Vitamin B12

Psychyatric Disorders Could Be Treated With Vitamin B12

The Epoch Times is addressing a really important issue – the deficiency of B12 and its relevance to psychiatric conditions. Check out the mind-blowing reports below.

Experts are suggesting that testing for B12 deficiency should be a standard procedure when anyone, regardless of age, exhibits behavior that is considered abnormal, schizophrenic, or depressive.

B12 deficiency is addressed

B12 deficiency has been linked to a variety of psychological disorders such as depression, Alzheimer’s, anxiety, chronic or irrational anger, violent behavior, and other psychological problems.

Vitamin B12 therapy has been found to be effective in treating a range of neurological conditions including vision problems, hearing loss, tinnitus, numbness and tingling in the hands and feet, alcoholism, impotence, incontinence, neuralgia, combat fatigue, and abnormal gait.

Additionally, low levels of B12 have been shown to be associated with a variety of other diseases such as osteoporosis, asthma, skin conditions like psoriasis, diabetes, glaucoma, infertility, and anemia.

Did you know that B12 is a large molecule that contains one cobalt atom? Unfortunately, we can only get B12 from animal products, which can make it difficult for those who don’t eat meat to get enough.

Even if you do eat meat, B12 can be hard to absorb and utilize, especially as you get older.

To be assimilated, B12 needs to attach to the intrinsic factor, which is produced by the same cells in your stomach that produce hydrochloric acid. If you don’t produce enough hydrochloric acid (which can happen if you eat a low-salt diet), your body won’t be able to assimilate B12 properly. A lack of certain enzymes can also affect B12 assimilation.

You might have heard that some plant foods are sources of B12, like soy, mushrooms, and spirulina. However, these foods contain B12 analogs called cobamides, which can actually make the symptoms of B12 deficiency worse. It might surprise you to learn that bacterial overgrowth in your small intestine can also be a source of cobamides.

If you take antibiotics or eat a diet high in refined carbohydrates, you might encourage bacterial overgrowth, which can lead to B12 deficiencies.

If you want to get the most B12 possible from your diet, your best bet is to eat liver or mollusks. Just one serving a week can provide you with plenty of B12. If your B12 levels are still low, you can also take oral or injectable supplements.

We suggest that you check out the original article in order to learn more details.

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