FDA Approves Use Of Antiviral Drug Remdesivir For Covid 19 Patients

FDA Approves Use Of Antiviral Drug Remdesivir For Covid 19 Patients

There’s more optimistic good news involving the available treatments for covid 19.

It’s been just reported that the federal regulators have just approved the use of the antiviral drug remdesivir for covid-19 outpatients at high risk of being hospitalized.

This is an important move that is providing a new treatment option for doctors who have been struggling with shortages of effective drugs to counter the coronavirus.

The Food and Drug Administration stated that the intravenous treatment, which had been limited to patients in the hospital, could be administered to outpatients with mild-to-moderate illnesses.

Remdesivir is manufactured by Gilead Sciences, and it was among the first coronavirus treatments authorized in 2020.

Washington Post notes the following:

“The drug received full agency approval later that year for people 12 and older. Treatment of younger children is permitted under an emergency use authorization, but Friday’s expansion to outpatients includes both age groups.”

Covid-related latest news 

The other day, we reported that there’s an important issue that the mainstream media is not sharing with the public. The WHO is calling for international travel bans to be lifted and it seems that this is not making enough headlines.

Check out the latest reports below.


Here is what some of the official notes are saying:

“Do NOT require proof of vaccination against COVID-19 for international travel as the only pathway or condition permitting international travel given limited global access and inequitable distribution of COVID-19 vaccines. State Parties should consider a risk-based approach to the facilitation of international travel by lifting or modifying measures, such as testing and/or quarantine requirements, when appropriate, in accordance with the WHO guidance.”

Check out the complete details in our previous article. 


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