One More Way to Fight COVID-19: Newly-Developed Disinfectant Can Kill Viruses From Surfaces for Up to Seven Days

One More Way to Fight COVID-19: Newly-Developed Disinfectant Can Kill Viruses From Surfaces for Up to Seven Days

The COVID-19 spread may feel like it will never stop, but the human need for progress and survival is stronger than any pandemic. The medical world seems to be getting better and better at fighting the coronavirus, although the Delta variant is spreading incredibly fast across the world.

According to, researchers from the University of Central Florida have developed what seems to be a great remedy against COVID-19 and other viruses. They created a disinfectant that’s able to kill viruses present on a surface. Furthermore, the substance can disinfect a surface for a maximum of seven days after only one application.

A nanoparticle-engineered disinfectant

A nanoparticle-engineered disinfectant was created, having an engineered nanostructure known as cerium oxide as an ingredient. Some of the nanoparticles are modified with small doses of silver for a higher efficiency against pathogens.

Source: Pixabay
Source: Pixabay

Seal, who has been studying nanotechnology for many years, explained how it works, as quoted by

It works both chemically and mechanically,

The nanoparticles emit electrons that oxidize the virus, rendering it inactive. Mechanically, they also attach themselves to the virus and rupture the surface almost like popping a balloon.

Parks brought the statement that pretty much everyone has been waiting for, as also cited by

Not only did it show antiviral properties toward coronavirus and rhinovirus, but it also proved effective against a wide range of other viruses with different structures and complexities. We are hopeful that with this amazing range of killing capacity, this disinfectant will also be a highly effective tool against other new emerging viruses.

The world sure needs more ways to fight COVID, as the pandemic disease continues to kill thousands of people across the world every day, as data from reveals.

The new findings were published in ACS Nano.

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