It’s 80 Percent More Possible to Have a Stroke During a Precise Time

It’s 80 Percent More Possible to Have a Stroke During a Precise Time

Strokes occur very often around the world, and a lot of them lead to death. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that strokes kill roughly 140,000 Americans every year.

What happens during a stroke is that brain cells die as a result of the blood being blocked on its way to the brain. writes about a new scientific study claiming that it’s more likely to have a stroke between certain hours.

Stroke is 80 percent more likely to occur from 6 a.m. to 12 p.m.

The new research implied a meta-analysis of 31 publications with primary data from over 11,000 stroke patients.
The researchers explain, as quoted by

There was a 49 percent increase in stroke of all types between 6 AM and noon, which is a 79 percent increase over the normalized risk of the other 18 hours of the day.

Another official statement says, as also quoted by

Despite some rather large differences across studies in reported sample size (59 to 1,075), outcomes (fatal versus nonfatal), and types of stroke studied (ischemic versus hemorrhagic versus other), most of the studies showed a similar diurnal pattern of stroke incidence.

If you suffer from high blood pressure, you should consider fixing that somehow. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reveals that the condition represents the leading cause of strokes. High blood pressure is also the main cause of increased risk of stroke for people with diabetes.

There are three main types of strokes: ischemic strokes, hemorrhagic strokes, and transient ischemic attacks (aka a “mini-stroke”).

As you’ve already guessed, stroke easily sits among the leading causes of death, along with heart disease, cancer, accidents, chronic lower respiratory diseases, and so on.

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