Experts Release Grim Prediction for the COVID Vaccination Campaign in the US

Experts Release Grim Prediction for the COVID Vaccination Campaign in the US

The US is currently facing a massive decline in the number of infections and deaths caused by the COVID-19 disease, but it may be too early for Americans to open the champagne. The vaccination campaign in the world’s hardest-hit country by the pandemic is unfolding pretty fast, as 311 million vaccine doses were given so far, according to Bloomberg.

As CNN reveals, one expert considers that the urgency to continue the COVID vaccination campaign in the US is far from over.

Vaccination could be needed for years

Dr. Paul Offit, who is a member of the US Food and Drug Administration’s Vaccine Advisory Committee, released the grim prediction:

We are going to need to have a highly vaccinated population for years if not longer. This virus is going to be circulating in the world for a long time.

As each of us knows by now, the coronavirus spreads rapidly across the planet, and the recent mutation known as the Delta variant that emerged in India makes the virus even more transmissible. Until now, vaccines have shown that they are effective against the new variant, but even so, experts warn that widespread immunization is a ‘must’.

Credit: Pixabay
Credit: Pixabay

Until now, according to, there are over 177 million COVID infections across the planet. About 3.8 million infected people died because of the coronavirus, while over 161 million patients had been recovered. In the US alone, there had been over 34.3 million infections and more than 615,000 deaths. Fortunately, over 28.4 million COVID patients had been recovered, meaning about 98% of the total number of infections from the US.

Some data reveals that the COVID vaccines developed by Pfizer and Moderna, which both are relying on the same mRNA technology for creating immunity against the coronavirus, can remain effective after six months since their administration.

5 thoughts on “Experts Release Grim Prediction for the COVID Vaccination Campaign in the US

  1. Have you people done the math? Covid-19 still has a 99% survival rate! There is close to 8 billion people on this planet and somewhere around 3 million have died from it. So that makes the death toll only one percent of the globes human population. The government keeps pushing us to take a new vaccine that hasn’t been proven to be 100% percent safe. I strongly urge you all to consider turning the tables and holding our government responsible for putting an end to the people who created it. The world leaders need to put a stop to the source and stop pressuring us into taking a vaccine that hasn’t been around long enough to be proven safe! Not one single thing that I mentioned in this comment is not up for debate. So get your head out of your asses!!!

    1. What is the alternative? This a virus that is deadly and we have seen the tragic loss of so many lives worldwide. We have lost loved ones and we don’t know if people really follow the rules and stay home when they get sick. So if people take the vaccine which we understandstand it is not 100 percent guaranteed to keep us totally safe. But we are doing the best we can to help save from spreading this evil horrible virus that was released upon humanity. Those of us that believe in God our creator, pray that he will help us to do the right thing to protect each other. In my opinion, this has been a horrible and evil deed that was created on purpose to kill many people. I hold on to my belief that God is with us and will not leave and forsake those that believe and trust in him. I contracted the virus and got sick. I thank God every day for sparing my life. However, I don’t ever want to get it again. That is the reason I took the vaccine. I want to do my part and help keep this virus from spreading. My family has all gotten the vaccine and we finally got together on Father’s Day to celebrate. It was wonderful to finally be together and feel safe. I will still wear my mask when I go out in public.

  2. The vaccine push is a scam. A 5th Moderna Exec. Has reach the Billion dollar net worth milestone. How many more of these pharma executives will reach the $ billion mark.

    The real science…the hard data says we don’t need the vaccines. Millions have already contracted covid-they are immune… and we have many very safe, effective and cheap treatments already. There is no need to MRNA vaccines… it is untested technology. Second, thousands have died from the vaccine and 10’s of thousands have been injured…. These “vaccines need to be pulled from the market!


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