Elon Musk Suggests Life In Prison For Parents Who Change Kids’ Genders

Elon Musk Suggests Life In Prison For Parents Who Change Kids’ Genders

It’s been just revealed the fact that Twitter CEO Elon Musk posted early this Friday and wanted to make sure to share his views on child sex changes. He said that the doctors and parents who are allowing their kids to undergo life-altering transgender surgeries should be faced with life in prison.

“Any parent or doctor who sterilizes a child before they are a consenting adult should go to prison for life,” Musk wrote in response to another tweet calling out an MSNBC article in which the author accused Florida Governor Ron DeSantis of “destroying an entire state.”

Check out the tweet that Musk shared:

One reader responded to the thread of Musk’s reply tweet, writing, “It’s baffling to me that a medical professional would perform any operation or prescribe any meds to children for any sort of gender change. They must have no soul.”

Another explained why transgender surgeries could be gaining in popularity, while also agreeing with Musk.

Earlier today, we revealed the fact that Washington passed a bill that allows children to be taken away from their parents in case they don’t agree to gender transition. Check out the terrible nightmare below.

According to the latest reports, it seems that a new bill passed in the state of Washington seeks to undermine parental rights by allowing “shelters” to provide gender transition medical services to minors without parental consent.

“Senate Bill 5599, sponsored by Sen. Marko Liias, will allow certified shelters to contact the Department of Children, Youth and Families instead of parents, for children seeking reproductive health services or gender-affirming care.” Check out our previous article in order to learn more details about this.

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