Alex Jones’ Exclusive: “Court Documents Prove Big Pharma Knew COVID Shots Destroy DNA, Linked To Cancer”

Alex Jones’ Exclusive: “Court Documents Prove Big Pharma Knew COVID Shots Destroy DNA, Linked To Cancer”

It seems that Alex Jones is not backing down from proving the world the fact that the COVID vaccines harmed people. Take a look at the latest post that he shared on his social media account.

Alex Jones addresses the COVID shots

Here’s the tweet that he shared on X:

A person commented: “Yup. It greatly weakens the immune system, increasing the risk of disease or illness. Especially for those with underlying health issues and compromised immunity or who are predisposed, such as a history of cancer.”

Another follower said: “These are the facts they don’t want you to know about. Do your own research. Not that research. Only research what we tell you to research. The government is funny.”

It has been revealed the fact that the MSM is finally covering the COVID vaccine injuries. Check out the latest reports about this below.

MSM finally covers COVID vaccine injuries

Check out the tweet that Jones shared on his social media account:

Someone said: “Thank you Alex! I tried telling everyone how sick I was for an entire year while almost dying several times… in an out of the ER almost weekly and nobody believed that it was the shot. The ONLY difference in our human Biomes and THEY ALL refused to listen! Because of MONEY.”

He also shared a video featuring the medical expert dr. Robert Malone explains the symptoms:

Here is another relevant tweet:

Speaking of dr. Malone, he recently shed light on another vital issue regarding the COVID-19 vaccines.

“Important presentation from Dr. Kevin McKernan, who made the first discoveries and disclosures regarding the DNA fragment contamination of the Pfizer and Moderna mod-mRNA vaccines,” he shared on X.

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