Acid Reflux Linked To Intermittent Fasting And Keto Weight Loss Diets

Acid Reflux Linked To Intermittent Fasting And Keto Weight Loss Diets

In recent years intermittent fasting and keto diets have started to become popular among people who wish to lose weight. Some practitioners worry that the increase of stomach acid due to the two methods could harm them in the long run as the acid could be strong enough to erode the stomach lining. New data revealed that there is a connection between acid reflux and intermittent fasting and keto weight loss diets.

There are no studies which assess the efficiency of keto diets and intermittent fasting over long periods, but many nutritionists argue that they can be an essential stepping stone towards a healthier body. However, it is not advised to start with both at the same time.

Intermittent fasting works best when a person has reached and maintained ketosis for several months since the body is already trained to consume ketones.

Acid Reflux Linked To Intermittent Fasting And Keto Weight Loss Diets

Some practitioners have stated that acid reflux started to appear after they tried intermittent fasting, but there is a simple explication for the phenomenon. According to a renowned nutritionist, acid reflux will appear when carbs remain the primary energy source for the body, which means that the keto diet is not too useful. An efficient ketogenic diet will burn the fat around the middle without the help of IF (intermittent fasting).

Some may opt to take medicine which can reduce the potency of digestive acid, but it will also hinder the ability to digest food, primarily if PPI is used for a long time. Recent studies also mention that extensive use of PPI can cause harmful side-effects since they were not designed with regular use in mind.

Instead, it is recommended to limit low-carb intake to less than 20 grams per day and remove alcohol altogether. This will limit the chance of potential stomach inflammation while also boosting the rate at which fat is burned. Consuming smaller meals is also a great strategy since they are easier to digest.

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