Iceberg melting represents one of the major problems of the world today. Experts need to bring new solutions for overcoming this issue, as billions of tons of water spilled into the ocean can’t lead to good results. If the sea levels increase enough, entire regions and countries could start to sink.
According to, the A-68 iceberg from Antarctica led to another dangerous scenario that begins to unfold: after it broke up five years ago, one of its chunks began to melt.
The A-68a chunk of ice released 168 billion tons of freshwater
The chunk of ice known as A-68a is the one that broke out of the main iceberg and started to cause some trouble now. According to the European Space Agency, the chunk of ice spills concerning amounts of water into the ocean. The melt is obviously caused by the warmer waters where the chunk of ice sets now.
Tommaso Parrinello, the CryoSat Mission Manager of the European Space Agency, declared:
Our ability to study every move of the iceberg in such detail is thanks to advances in satellite techniques and the use of a variety of measurements. Imaging satellites record the shape of the iceberg and data from altimetry missions like CryoSat add another important dimension as they measure the height of surfaces – which is essential for calculating changes in volume.
We don’t have to hesitate to grasp the real magnitude of the event: 168 billion tons of freshwater were released. The University of Leeds says that the terrifying number is 20 times more than the water that exists in Loch Ness.
We’re all hoping that experts will find solutions for such terrible situations. Even if one iceberg won’t raise the sea level at a dangerous point, it really becomes a problem if more of these ice chunks will melt.