Lost City Found Under Earth

Lost City Found Under Earth

An US archaeologist claims he discovered a big lost metropolis under the earth surface. Donald Blakeslee, who is 73, works at the Wichita State University. According to his statement, he is the one to find the Etzanoa in Kansas, US. Supposedly, Etzanoa is the former Wichita Nation metropolis.

From what it seems, Etzanoa belonged once to the great Wichita Nation, who were tragically decimated by European diseases, then completely destroyed by the US Army and the American settlers. The city was also known to be the place of a famous battle that took place in 1601 between the Native American tribes and the Spaniards.

Brief History

For more than four centuries, archaeologists could not find the lost city of Etzanoa. Blakeslee now saw that the exact point of this city was the intersection between the Walnut and Arkansas Rivers, according to a theory he had claimed some time ago. But besides his word, there is also another proof: a cannon ball made of iron who was found by a high school student in that particular area.

More Proof for this Idea

Moreover, Blakeslee also discovered a water shrine that is still working, which was carved into a boulder of limestone. He declared that the Spaniards were truly amazed by how big Etzanoa was. From their records, they had counted around 2,000 houses, each holding 10 people. They also said that if you wanted to walk through all of it, you would need 2-3 days.

The archaeologist also declared that they found artifacts in the recent two years that show all the old stories were based on something real. According to his estimations, between 1450 and 1700, minimum 20,000 ancestors lived in the settlement found next to the Arkansas City. Now people in the city hope they can use the discovery in a fruitful manner by converting it in a tourist destination.

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