Canadian Samsung Galaxy Note 5 Devices Now Receiving Android Nougat 7.0

Canadian Samsung Galaxy Note 5 Devices Now Receiving Android Nougat 7.0

It’s no secret that Android, Google’s homegrown operating system for most portable smart devices out there, is becoming better and better with each new variant. Android users are delighted with the release of the newest installment in the series, the Android 7.0 Nougat. While it has already been announced that some older or less-equipped mid-range devices will not be receiving the new OS (and if you want to download it, you do so at your own risk), most Android-powered devices have started receiving it OTA as of late.

Android Nougat 7.0 Now on Galaxy Note 5 in Canada

When the update arrives to you doesn’t only depend on what make and model device you own, but also on your mobile carrier. Thus, various devices in some select areas on the globe might receive the new Android 7.0 Nougat before others. This is why the new Nougat is now available for Samsung Galaxy Note 5 devices, but only in Canada.

Canadian Galaxy Note 5 users have reported receiving the new update OTA in the past couple of days, much to the envy of other worldwide users of the same devices. However, you needn’t fret too much about it, because the update will reach you eventually if you’re not on the ‘no longer receiving updates’ device list.

Here Comes Trouble

Naturally, along with a new update come new bugs and oddities. Thus, many Android device users have reported various issues with their smartphones or tablets post-update. However, Google has managed to fix them every single time, either by issuing targeted patches or by providing the public with a solution. Thus, worldwide Galaxy Note 5 users that envy Canada can at least rejoice to the thought that the update will be flawless when it eventually reaches them, because Canada has already reported all the bugs that Google needs to take care of.

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