One of the hot topics in the whole world is knowing the proper age for a woman to get pregnant. any postpone having children because of different priorities like living their youth without any care, trying to have a successful career or just traveling before settling down to start a family.
Previous theories claimed that the best age to have children would be when a woman is in her 20s, but if they postpone because of one of the reasons mentioned earlier, it would be impossible. Well, it seems that scientist have reached a different conclusion.
What’s the Best Age to Get Pregnant?
A study led by a sociologist at the University of Texas, Dr. John Mirowsky reached an interesting result that might contradict everything we used to know.
He thinks that the best time for a woman to bear a child is the age of 34. He thinks that this is the best age to get pregnant because of these factors:
- In her 20’s, some areas of the woman’s body can develop certain conditions, while at 34-35-years-old the body has an optimal health for carrying a full-term pregnancy and delivering a healthy baby.
- A woman of 34-35 has a stable relationship with her partner, she has energy and vitality and is mature enough to raise a child.
- By the age of 34-35, a woman already has a career and the means to support herself and the baby if the case requires.
Mirowsky also said that having a child in the late 30s is a bit too dangerous, as the body ages and some complications of the reproductive system might appear.
So, the best age should be the mid-30s, when a woman feels more encouraged to become a mother. It is a life-changing moment that should be chosen wisely, as bringing a new person to this world is a lot of responsibility, but it also brings happiness.