Movement disorders are frequently encountered in young people who, under other conditions, develop normally. However, the rule does have exceptions. Sufferers make atypical movements and have coordination problems. Behaviors of this kind manifest themselves in early childhood, around the age of 7, and can last into adult years. The signals are not working properly, and the result is that they move too much or too little. Advances in the fields of genetics, neuroimaging, and neurophysiology have made it possible to get a better understanding of the underlying mechanisms of these conditions and provide effective treatment.
Definition and Features of Complex Movement Disorders
Complex movement disorders refer to a succession of involuntary movements, like ballism, tremor, chorea, tics, and dystonia, which have the power to interfere with a person’s set of movements. While some movements can occur in isolation, others are characterized by various types of movement. To make the difference between the symptoms it is necessary to classify the types of movement and consider the possibility that they are adverse effects of medication.
Attention should be paid to the fact that movement disorders are basically neurological conditions and they can affect daily tasks such as walking or writing. Every act or process of movement, such as raising the hand, requires a complex interaction between the central nervous system, nerves, and muscles.
To manage a patient who is suffering from a complex movement disorder it is essential to determine the cause of the problem. The patient’s history and a careful examination can help establish what is going on. Equally important is to take into consideration the age of onset. Older age represents a risk factor for movement disorders. More often than not, they have a genetic basis. Atypical movements are typically associated with orthopedic issues, chronic pain, sleep problems, and, last but not least, the inability to enjoy normal life activities.
Types of Complex Movement Disorders
Abnormal increased movements can be the result of a genetic condition. However, they are also likely to be caused by physical injuries, infections, nervous system diseases, or medication side effects. In what follows, we will discuss the most prevalent types of complex movement disorders:
- Hypokinetic Movement Disorders
Although very rare, these types of diseases can seriously affect the body. Parkinson’s disease is a good example. It begins over the age of 40, but it is not uncommon for young adults to be affected. The person makes slow or reduced movements, not to mention that they experience muscle rigidity.
- Hyperkinetic Movement Disorders
A person who is affected by hyperkinetic movement disorder makes excessive movements. This type of complex movement disorder is more common in kids than in adults. Examples of hyperkinetic movement disorders include but are not limited to ataxia, chorea, Huntington’s Disease, and restless leg syndrome.
Approaches to Treating Complex Motor Disorders
Treatment options are considerably limited, especially when it comes down to the pediatric population, where drugs can cause serious side effects. Therapy is based on symptomatology. This means that physicians and patients make an effort to treat the symptoms, without tackling the cause. When a new treatment is implemented for the cause, it is generally not so effective. Interestingly, cannabidiol may help people with complex motor disorders. Some studies are looking into the CBD oil benefits in terms of movement disorders, drawing attention to its incredible potential.
Cannabidiol and Complex Motor Disorders
Cannabidiol, CBD for short, is the active ingredient in cannabis or marijuana plant. It is created by extracting oil from the marijuana or hemp plant. The hemp industry continues to evolve, making tremendous efforts to promote CBD as a purported medication. Not that long ago, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved cannabis-derived medicine for medical conditions such as epilepsy. Of course, products containing cannabidiol cannot be classified as dietary supplements. Since there are no psychedelic properties in cannabidiol, it is safe for consumption.
Cannabidiol can help treat motor and non-motor symptoms. It helps the muscles relax, which makes it a lot less painful to move. CBD oil, in particular, is safe, tolerable, and offers neuroprotective effects. It does not modify glycemia, blood pressure, or heart rate. Even though there are not that many studies, that does not mean they are not worth taking into consideration. CBD is very effective when it comes down to the treatment of complex movement disorders. Patients are able to improve their quality of life. As a matter of fact, some do not even feel like they are sick.
A deep understanding of the actions of cannabis in the human body will allow us to discover further treatments. Cannabidiol can improve cognitive and psychomotor performance, eliminating temporary impairment. The bad news is that that prohibition of cannabis and its designation represent an obstacle as far as treatment is concerned. Perhaps collecting more high-quality clinical data will lead to change.
Other Options for Treating Complex Movement Disorders
When it comes down to complex movement disorders, there is no such thing as established drugs or medication treatments. It is up to the physician to choose the right therapy. CBD oil can be used to make people’s lives better. Undoubtedly, there are other options, such as:
- Physical therapy – Physio can turn out to be helpful for patients with challenging clinical problems. Exercising on a regular basis can help in terms of physical dysfunction. Psycho-motor retaining has nothing but positive outcomes.
- Surgery – Surgical intervention for movement disorders is not something new. Deep brain stimulation treatment is usually associated with excellent results. Involuntary movements are reduced. This is thanks to a small electrode which is implanted in the brain.
The family of the person who is affected by a complex motor disorder will want to see various specialists. They should work with experts in neurology, sleep medicine, rehabilitation therapies, psychology, etc.
Final Thoughts
The bottom line is that there is hope for individuals presenting involuntary movements. The illness cannot be cured, unfortunately, but the symptoms can be successfully managed. While patients cannot do anything they want, they can lead a relatively normal life, which is more than they can hope for.