Covid-19, the disease triggered by the novel coronavirus is still with us, putting down a lot of people and taking the lives of others.
2020 has been an extremely hard year, with massive tragedies happening all over the world, but we hope and believe that with the help of experts and scientists, we’ll eventually overcome all of this soon.
There are all kinds of viable treatments these days, not to mention some vaccines that are almost ready that could eventually bring back to what it used to be.
Miraculous treatment analyzed in a patient
Now, it’s been revealed that a case of one severely ill patient managed to come into the spotlight these days. writes that a young Australian man who was critically ill with Covid-19 and he was even suffering early stages of sepsis made a mind-blowing recovery after he has given massive doses of vitamin C.
Professor Rinaldo Bellomo, director of Intensive Care at Melbourne’s Austin Health, explained that the patient who was 40 years old had a health state that started to deteriorate from the disease. The man lost kidney function, and his blood pressure was plummeting.
Sepsis, just in case you don’t know, is “a life-threatening condition which occurs when the body damages its own organs while responding to an infection,” – this was starting to take hold of his body and time was running out, as the online publication mentioned above notes.
“We were dealing with somebody who was very unwell. We felt we were in a very difficult situation, and the patient’s life was under serious threat,” the doctor said.
Megadose vitamin C experiment
It’s also important to note that the doctor knew the fact that the experts at the Florey Institute had some promising experimental findings that used megadose vitamin C to treat sepsis.
After he received the family’s consent, doctors gave the patient the treatment – this was previously tested on animals.
He received an “initial dose of 30 grams of sodium ascorbate (vitamin C) over 30 minutes, then a maintenance dose of 30 grams over six and a half hours,” as the online publication notes.
“This is the equivalent of 5,000 oranges pumping through his veins,” Professor Bellomo said. The changes were remarkable with his kidney function improving, his temperature getting lower, his blood pressure becoming regulated and arterial blood oxygen levels optimizing.
We suggest that you check out the complete article in order to learn all the amazing details.