Cannabis As Cure For COVID-19: Experts See Promising Results

Cannabis As Cure For COVID-19: Experts See Promising Results

While waiting for a promising vaccine and viable treatments for the novel coronavirus, experts continue to work on all kinds of alternative solutions as well. 

For instance, there’s a recent study that is examining the use of cannabis terpene formulation – NT-VRL on inflammatory conditions – it seems that this has had some promising results in treating cytokine storm syndrome caused by COVID-19.

Cytokine storm syndrome

This is a type of inflammatory response during which white blood cells are activated, and they are releasing inflammatory cytokines that activate more white blood cells.

This syndrome can then be responsible for causing symptoms such as fever fatigue and vomiting, and these can advance to a point where the affected patient might need a ventilator to stay alive. 

Forbes cites info from Health Europa and reports that “Early results from the study, which took place in Israel, show that the terpene formulation combined with CBD is twice as effective at using CBD on its own as well as twice as effective as Dexamethasone, a common corticosteroids treatment for inflammation.”, this was also stated in the Barcelona cannabis club.

It’s been also revealed that this study has been carried out by Eybna and Cannasoul, which revealed that they have been working together on this massive project since back in April.

A new game-changer is in the works 

NT-VRL is a patented formulation of terpenes that are created by Eybna. The terpenes that are used in the formulation have been selected especially for the anti-viral and also anti-inflammatory properties. 

Forbes also notes that the formulation is designed specifically to be used via inhalation rather than in a tablet or edible form.

“This type of delivery method is a game-changer enabling us to achieve therapeutic qualities from these unique phytochemicals like never before,” Eybna’s CEO Nadav Eya stated.

Check out the complete article by Forbes in order to learn all the available details about the matter. 

In other news, Innovation Origins reveals that a vaccine against tuberculosis that has been used for years seems to have a general stimulating effect on the immune system. In other words, this means that it effectively works against several diseases. It still remains to be seen whether COVID-19 is one of those.

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