The Telegraph: “The Real Covid Jab Scandal is Finally Emerging”

The Telegraph: “The Real Covid Jab Scandal is Finally Emerging”

As you probably know by now, MSM has been mostly silent about the COVID vaccine issues, but things will probably change sooner rather than later. Check out the latest reports about the vaccines. The Telegraph noted that “The real Covid jab scandal is finally emerging,” at the end of last year.

The Telegraph on COVID vaccines

“The real Covid jab scandal is finally emerging. The young and healthy, who were at minimal risk from COVID-19, should not have been told they had to take the vaccine…Millions of healthy people queued up for a jab they didn’t require which protected against serious disease in the elderly and vulnerable, but was not necessary for most of the rest of us…I am not an anti-vaxxer but – Let’s stop saying that, shall we? There’s no shame in being against giving a vaccine to groups who didn’t need it, and which caused people to be dead” @AllisonPearson – The Telegraph writes.

I strongly suggest that you check out the complete original article in order to find out details that you’ve probably not been aware of.

The author of the article is one of the few from the MSM who addressed the issues.

Pfizer is now in the spotlight as well after making terrible statements about the vaccine – they are simply lying to our faces.

Earlier today, I noted that on X, there are more and more people who address the terrible effects of vaccines.

The neurological and behavioral effects of the COVID vaccine

Jacqui Deevoy shared the following post which became a thread of massive importance and, in my opinion, doctors should take a look and note the side effects that are being reported by people from all over the world.

Thousands of people commented and there is nothing less than a vast medical report about these effects.

The following is an interesting post as well:

I strongly suggest that you check out the extraordinary complete thread especially if you have been vaccinated or if you noticed changes in the people you know. These are true medical reports and should be addressed as soon as possible by those authorized.

We have all seen the changes or, if we took the vaccine, felt them – this is the reason why the exact mechanisms in which the vaccines worked have to be analyzed in order to be able to reverse the damage.

I know that probably a lot of people are not the way they used to be anymore, but I strongly believe that this can be changed – this is the reason why my advice would be not to give up on them, but to continue fighting and searching for solutions.

Make sure to check out my previous article in order to learn more details about the effects of the COVID vaccines.

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