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What Goes Inside a NIPT Test for a Pregnant Woman?

When you are pregnant, one of the most important things you can do is to ensure your baby is healthy. It means getting regular prenatal care and screenings. One of the most common tests done during pregnancy is the Non-Invasive…
Top 12 Baby Monitors For New Parents

Classic baby monitors are pretty straightforward – all they do is keep your little one supervised at all times to make sure they are safe and taken care of whenever they need it. However, these days, the market is filled…
Best Maternity Scrubs: Which One Is Better?

If are an expectant mother, especially if it’s your first, you probably have a lot of questions about a ton of things, including the type of clothes you should wear at work. And if you’re here, you might be wondering…
The Advantages Of Buying A Rotating Car Seat

Getting your baby in and out of the car can sometimes be a massive struggle but if you’ve been through that, you’ll be pleased to know that there is a great solution for it! A rotating car seat can finally…
Premature Births are More Likely for Women Who Have STIs

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) surely don’t represent something that a person can neglect. The World Health Organization (WHO) reveals that every day across the globe, over 1 million such infections are acquired. That’s an alarming statistic, and a new study…
Things That Happen During the 4th Trimester

After a long pregnancy and three trimesters, most people believe that this period is over. However, the fourth trimester is the first 12 weeks after the mother had her newborn. The fourth trimester can be wonderful and intense simultaneously, as…

Your kid growing up comes with a lot of milestones to celebrate but also with a lot of new dangers and one of them is related to their sleeping arrangements. But the transition from a crib to a bed does…
Heatwaves Are A Major Risk For Pregnant Women

The rising number of women of child-bearing age experiencing heat-related health problems has led many doctors to recommend that women avoid strenuous exercise outside during the hottest parts of the day. Further complicating matters is the fact that pregnant women…