Did You Know That These Foods Are High in Antioxidants?

Food rich in antioxidants can significantly help you boost your blood antioxidant levels to efficiently fight oxidative stress and lower the risk of heart disease, cancer, and type 2 diabetes. But that’s not all.  We should start with the fact…
Hunting Quasars is Now Easier Thanks to This Method

One of the rarest extragalactic objects in the Universe is now no longer puzzling scientists’ work. Thanks to a new method of detecting the whereabouts of quasars, we’re closer to unveiling how supermassive black holes evolve. Quasars play a pretty…
New Study About Bipolar Disorder Reveals Shocking Details

A new study about bipolar disorder unveils shocking details. Apparently, there are dozens of genetic links that increase the risk for this condition previously identified. Over 400,000 people (41, 917 were diagnosed with bipolar disorder) were surveyed, for what scientists…