New Pill Promises to Defeat Type 2 Diabetes

What if there’s a pill that can reverse type 2 diabetes, repair the pancreas, and regulate blood sugar? It sounds incredible, indeed, but that’s actually the description of a new pill that promises to defeat diabetes, according to Furthermore,…
Green Juices Help Type 2 Diabetes Patients

Type 2 diabetes is a chronic disease that influences how the body metabolizes sugar, which is a valuable supply of energy. What happens in type 2 diabetes is that the body is either renitent of or cannot produce sufficient insulin.…
Physical Exercise Can Keep Type 2 Diabetes At Bay

Type 2 diabetes, so-called non-insulin-dependent diabetes or adult-onset diabetes, is characterized by the fact that the pancreas continues to produce insulin, even though the body develops resistance to the effects of insulin. In short, type 2 diabetes is an “insulin…
Obesity Causes Insulin Resistance in Type 2 Diabetes

Researchers have published a new study in which they demonstrate one of the mechanisms by which obesity modulates glucose and lipid metabolism in mice, more specifically, diabetes. It does this through changes in the microRNA content of exosomes, vesicles that…
Obesity Surgery Might Reduce Heart Attack Risks In Diabetics

According to a new US study, obesity surgery could considerably reduce heart attacks and strokes risks in patients with diabetes. The new research is reinforcing the evidence that such intervention’s benefits go beyond weight loss. The study surveyed approximately 20,000 obese…
A Recommended Diet for Type 2 Diabetes

A common disease found in the US and UK is type2 diabetes is frequently encountered among the overweight or obese people. A person has this type of disease should eat a balanced, well-thought diet, accompanied by regular exercises in order…