Brain Cells Enhancing Memory Focus And Storage Uncovered

According to the latest reports, it seems that brain cells that can enhance memory focus and storage have been uncovered. Check out the latest details on this extremely interesting subject. New medical discovery Experts have revealed how some brain cells…
Best Snacks To Boost Your Memory

According to the latest reports, it seems that there are some snacks that are able to boost your memory. Check out the latest reports below. Best snacks that can boost your memory You may have experienced a mid-afternoon craving for…
Mushroom Compound Improves Memory by Growing Nerves

Scientists at the University of Queensland have isolated the active component of a mushroom that may be consumed and found that it improves memory and stimulates the formation of nerve cells. Hericium erinaceus is a kind of fungus, and according…
An App on Your Smartphone May Help You Remember Way More

Investigators from the University of Toronto have shown that a newly developed application for smartphones helps to greatly increase memory recall. This finding has the potential to be useful for those who are in the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease…
Research Suggests That Information Is Stored Among Synapses

Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have made a significant discovery in our understanding of memory. Researchers from The Picower Institute for Learning and Memory published in PLOS Computational Biology their findings comparing the results of several computational models…
Laser Therapy Could Solve Short Term Memory Problems

Non-invasive as it may be, researchers at the University of Birmingham in the United Kingdom and Beijing Normal University in China have shown that it can produce significant improvements in people’s short-term or working memory—up to 25%. The right prefrontal…
New Study Argues That Moderate Physical Exercises Improve Memory

A new study conducted by a team of researchers from Kent mentions that moderate-intensity exercises can increase memory performance. Among this type of exercise, we can count cycling, fast-paced walking, or water aerobics. Previous research inferred that intense physical activity…
What Antioxidants The Brain Needs In Order To Function

Antioxidants are substances contained in foods that help to maintain cell health and combat the unfavorable action of free radicals. These substances improve memory and help the brain function properly. Five daily servings of fruits and vegetables, enough whole grains…