Scientists Believe That Exoplanets Orbiting Two Stars Lead To Misaligned Orbits

Scientists Believe That Exoplanets Orbiting Two Stars Lead To Misaligned Orbits

The exoplanets are a new subject to study that would bring the humanity one step closer to understand the mystery of the Universe. The National Radio Astronomy Observatory is currently studying the outer space to determine whether exotic exoplanets that orbit two stars are existing in the misaligned orbits. Their study is realized with the help of the Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA) from Chile. The researchers have analyzed 19 protoplanetary disks.

The planets build themselves in the protoplanetary disks that orbit around young stars. As far as the binary stars are concerned, the discs are commonly referred to as circumbinary disks. The current research is trying to get proper information regarding this matter, more accurate than the Kepler analysis that observed the exoplanets for 40 days.

The first time that researchers managed to determine an exoplanet that orbits around multiple star systems was back in 2011. Ever since then, researchers understood that these systems are growing in numbers day by day, and all of them offer them another story about the formation of the Universe.

Exoplanets orbiting two stars might cause misaligned orbits

The orbiting system with more than two stars is still an enigma for researchers, the only thing they know for sure being the presence of many more strange orbits. The Sun is a red dwarf star, and there are no other such types of stars that can be seen from the Earth only with the naked eye.

The researchers from the University of Warwick announced back in 2019 their discovery of a circumbinary disk situated at 150 light-years away from our solar system. The unique misaligned orbits spotted in the study are adding more and more valuable information to solve this mystery. According to the study, there might be exoplanets that orbit two stars, leading to misaligned orbits.

At the moment, the researchers are aware of the existence of 4.245 exoplanets, and the discoveries do not cease to appear. This discovery of the first exoplanet that orbits a binary star system, Kepler-16b, was announced in 2011. Now, scientists believe there are more such planets outside our solar system.

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