A New Technology Capable Of Recording Neural Signals Has Been Recently Developed In Sweden

A New Technology Capable Of Recording Neural Signals Has Been Recently Developed In Sweden

The head researcher at the Swedish Linkoping University’s Laboratory of Organic Electronics, Klas Tybrandt, created a brand new piece of high-tech capable of recording neural signals.

A new material has been created for this new technology

The newly developed neural recording technology is made of a new material composite developed right at the Linkoping University. The new material is biocompatible, very flexible, and is highly conductive.

Klas Tybrandt cooperated with teams from New York and Zurich and the newly created technology is meant to open new roads in neuroscience and biomedical engineering.

The material created by Klas Tybrandt is a very conductive material even though it is similar to the human’s tissues in terms of elasticity and softness.

The device is developed from nanowires made of titanium dioxide plated in gold, secured by silicone. The newly created device is 100% biocompatible meaning that it can be safely applied to the human body without presenting side effects.

The new technology for recording neural signals could have a lot of medical applications

According to the report published regarding this new invention, the connection between the nerve cells signals and the device is essential to gather important data and to diagnose and cure neurological ailments (epilepsy, for example).

According to Klas Tybrandt, the fabrication of such soft and flexible electrically conductive materials involved some challenges but, eventually, the development of small electrodes made of biocompatible materials has been possible.

Even though the whole development process implies the usage of costly elements such as gold, the new technology uses very little materials, meaning that the scientists could limit the costs of producing such technologies.

“When the neurons in the brain transmit signals, a voltage is formed that the electrodes detect and transmit onwards through a tiny amplifier. We can also see which electrodes the signals came from, which means that we can estimate the location in the brain where the signals originated. This type of spatiotemporal information is important for future applications,” said Kals Tybrandt.

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